Category : Indoor Air Quality
Kondisi : NEW
View : 129
YESAIR 8 Channel merupakan alat pemantau udara dalam ruangan, dapat dioprasikan menggunakan baterai secara portable dan realtime.
- Power Standard: Rechargeable 3.6 V NiMH battery pack (8 hours) continous operation time c/w plug-in battery
charger/wall adapter (100-240 V, 50-60 Hz).
Note: a “protection diode” int the circuit provides safety protection when the batteries are accidently
inserted with reserved polarity.
- Optional: Alkaline AA batteries x3
see section 6.3 battery & battery warnings.
- Continous: Plug-in,6VDC,Class-III,2 A DC max wall adapter.
- Sampling Modes: Pump Diffusion Internal, automatic sample pump draws in sample of target environment.
(Pump and Dual Probe models)Sample air is diffused naturally over the sensors for quick, direct reading.
(Diffusion model).
- Memory > 1 million data points data logging to SD memory card (optional)
- Calibration Automated through keypad
- Information Recording 12 bit, multi-channel, user configurable with removable 2GB SD memory card.
Optional YES Logger package includes: 2GB SD memory card and card reader, 6 foot USB cable
and YES Viewer software.
- Circuit Microprocessor, user configurable.
- Communication Miniature USB port for changing settings and configuring logging functions and auxiliary port for
connecting the externally mounted particulate sensor
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